Thatcham Research: Trust in Automation: US and UK motorists’ behavioural quirks reveal Automated system design challenge

Thatcham Research is today revealing further insights from its Trust in Automation [1]study – which polled 2,000 motorists in the US and 2,000 in the UK – and found a significant disconnect between attitudes and behaviours on either side of the Atlantic.

American drivers are more likely to a see a benefit to self-driving or autonomous technology than British drivers: 81% versus 73% respectively. However, American and British drivers were aligned in seeing accident reduction through the removal of human error (21%) as the greatest potential benefit.

It follows therefore that American drivers are more enthusiastic for the imminent introduction of cars with limited self-driving technology like Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKS); 11% stated they would buy a car with self-driving capability as soon as possible versus just 4% in the UK.

Asking drivers what they would miss most about driving a manually operated car also uncovered some

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How To Budget For Getting A Used Car : Automotive Addicts


The first step to any budget is getting some information on paper. You should already have a budget written out for your everyday bills and debts, but if you don’t, download a free template now and get it done. Of course, once you start the new one, or update the old one, some of the times you will have to budget for will just be an estimate.

Once you actually get a used car and everything that goes along with it, you will have to create another new version. That is what budgeting is all about, though. It is never set in stone because it must be adjusted as you move through life.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the things that you will have to add to your budget

  • Take Home Income – One of the first things on any budget will be
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How to Get an Auto Loan if Your Credit Score Isn’t Good : Automotive Addicts

Up to 16 percent of Americans currently have bad to fairly bad credit, which is about 108 million people with a FICO score of 300-579. 

In addition, no credit at all can reflect badly on your ability to make payments. 

But as Yahoo News states, many people feel stuck in a catch-22 when it comes to improving their credit

But there are steps to take to return to a healthy above-670 credit score. 

In this article, we will share some ideas on how to get a car loan even if your credit score is lacking.

Check (and Improve!) Your Credit Score

It’s important to know your credit score first before you decide the next step. If you have low credit, it’s not the same thing as repairing a number of debits.

Taking proactive measures to make sure your bills are paid on time, and reducing your debt through utility

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Digital modelling key in designing Euro 7 compliant cars

The new Euro 7 emission standard proposal has been released, although negotiations are ongoing. Once a final version is agreed upon, it is expected to be implemented in 2025. As part of the process, the European Commission (EC) assembled emissions experts from across Europe to independently assess the shortfalls in existing car and truck emission standards. This group, the Consortium for ultra Low Vehicle Emissions (CLOVE), was asked to propose new emission limits and tests based on what is both economically and technically feasible.  

Car manufacturers have fiercely opposed the CLOVE proposals, lobbying against a stronger Euro 7 emissions standard and changes to car design, according to The European Federation for Transport and Environment. The federation warns that if the car industry is successful in weakening Euro 7, Europe risks putting almost 100 million more high-polluting cars on its roads in the decade between 2025 and 2035. 


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How to Go About Buying Your Dream Car : Automotive Addicts

With the current state of the markets, the buyer is spoilt for choices in both new and old cars. Many people have their eyes set on a specific model and even the year of the car. Getting your hands on the car of your dreams can be a difficult thing, but the feeling of driving the car of your dreams into your driveway is like no other.

Read on to learn more about how you can make your dream a reality without busting your carefully laid budget with cheap car finance.

Option 1: Credit card

Before you attempt to take out a car on a credit card, you will need to make sure that the agency you are working with accepts credit card payments.

One benefit of this route is that your credit card company can add protection for the full cost of purchase — so long as

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