UAW federal monitor: Union struggling to reset, root out corruption

The UAW’s court-appointed monitor on Tuesday said union leaders have been so uncooperative in efforts to root out corruption — including in 19 open investigations — that Department of Justice officials in March were called in to intervene over potential violations of the union’s consent decree.

A new report by the office of monitor Neil Barofsky revealed not only an increase in open investigations, previously at 15, but described a monthslong effort by the UAW to obstruct and interfere with its investigations during which union leaders allegedly concealed evidence and excluded the monitor’s office from key International Executive Board meetings.

Barofsky’s office in late March called a meeting with UAW President Ray Curry and US Attorney Dawn Ison to discuss the problems, during which Curry was said to have committed to “a total reset” in relations with the monitor.

While the monitor’s office says it has seen some improvement in transparency since March, the report painted a harsh view of a troubled union that has been slow to respond to systemic corruption that reached its highest levels. It could also serve as a black eye for incumbent leaders, including Curry, who meet before delegates next week in a constitutional convention, where they are expected to seek nominations for new terms.

“Although there are positive changes in the union’s cooperation and transparency with the monitor, given the amount of work still ahead, it is still too soon to fully assess the union’s progress in carrying out the reforms it must enact to sustain much needed cultural change, ” the report said. “To its credit, the union has drafted a new code of conduct and anti-bribery policy, conducted ethics and compliance trainings, and started to use formal job descriptions, job postings, and competitive hiring processes — all of which will address the vestiges of the ‘toxic’ culture described in the monitor’s Initial Status Report. Yet, in many ways, the recent improvement in transparency and collaboration from the UAW has revealed the great distance the UAW has yet to cover in order to implement the recommendations in the Initial Status Reports.”

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